Thursday, March 30, 2006
What Have You Used Your EcoQuest Air Purifier For?
If you have an air purifiers from EcoQuest you already know the magnificent job it does of getting rid of odors, reducing dust and keeping your home clean and fresh smelling.
But, did you know that there are several things you can do with your air purifier like the Fresh Air or the Living Air Classic besides just setting it on the china cabinet and letting it do its magic.
Yes, you can use it to freshen your bedding, deodorize your stinky tennis shoes, deodorize your car and you can even use it to get the smell of onions or garlic off of your hands, plus about a million other uses.
So, have you, yes you reading this, found a unique use for your Fresh Air machine, Living Air Classic, Fresh Air To Go, Fresh Air Spectrum or any of the several other air purification systems by EcoQuest?
If you have, people want to know about it so click on the comments below and leave an interesting or unique story about the benefits you've experienced from using one of these top of the line air purifiers.
People are always looking for different ways to rid their homes, cars and offices of unwanted smells and germs, so here's your chance to let the world know your little secret.
Let's hear from you!
Tags: air purifier, purifier, ecoquest, clean air, ionization, fresh air machine
Sunday, March 26, 2006
EcoQuest Air Purifiers Reviews and Information -
At you will find out the EcoQuest air purifiers are the top selling and most sought after air purifiers in the world. Plus you will also find information on air contamination, what's in your air and how breathing skanky air can affect your health.
In fact the EPA has said that:
"Indoor air pollution is America's Number One Environmental Health Concern. Fifty percent (50%) of all illness is caused by indoor air pollution."
You will also read about how major media outlets like The New Your Times are starting to notice indoor air pollution and starting to write and speak out about the problems associated with poor air quality.
Additional information includes how EcoQuest air purification systems work in a natural way to clean your air using ultraviolet light, Radiant Catalytic Ionization (RCI) and hydroxyls. It all sounds like an alphabet soup of technical mishmash but it doesn't really matter if you can say it because it works and that is the important thing.
You can also read about the risk of buying an EcoQuest air purifier on the internet and that the only authorized presencese on the net for EcoQuest products are the web sites,, and
Testimonials are also part of the web site. you can read a variety of letters and quotes from people who have benefited from using one of the air cleaning systems manufactured by EcoQuest International.
Lastly, if you don't have or know of an EcoQuest dealer in your area, you can sign up on the site to be contacted by an EcoQuest representative and get a free 3 to 5 day free trial of one of their air purifiers.
Visit today.
Tags: ecoquest,, fresh air, air purifier, New Your Times, Radiant Catalytic Ionization, RCI
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
It's Way Past Maintenance Time For My Fresh Air by EcoQuest
Sometimes though, you need to perform maintenance more frequently than one a month for various reasons. For instance, we just had some work done on our house and consequently there was lots of dust in the air while the workers were tearing things apart, sanding, pounding nails and just from having the doors open a good part of the day.
Even though it's been nearly 3 months since I've cleaned our Fresh Air purifier, don't let this happen to you.
Your Fresh Air purifier or Living Air Classic has a three year warranty but that isn't any excuse not to perform regular maintenance on these units. With regular maintenance, your air purifier from EcoQuest International will last way beyond the three year warranty.
In fact, we have friends that have had their Living Air Classic for more than 15 years. You unit could last more than 15 years if your keep it cleaned on a regular basis.
Remember, clean your Fresh Air or Living Air Classic by EcoQuest International at least once a month.
Tags: ecoquest, fresh air, clean air, dust, ecoQuest air purifiers, air purifiers, living air classic
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Yahoo, The Fresh Air Buddy By EcoQuest Comes In 4 Colors
You can now wear your Fresh Air Buddy jewelry in 4, count them, yes 4 different colors. Those colors would be Graphite (that would be black), Pink for the ladies, Pearl and for the gotta have it techie types that have to see the guts of this little clean air wonder Clear. Too cool, huh?
How about a tye-dyed Buddy for all those Grateful Dead fans out there.
I think EcoQuest will have to work on that one.
Anyway, call your local EcoQuest Dealer up and ask them about the new Fresh Air Buddy personal air purifier colors so you can stop breathing bad style.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Spotted: Fresh Air Buddy Air Purifier By EcoQuest
We were out today, went to lunch at Camille's in Port St Lucie Florida and sitting down right next to us was a lady with a Fresh Air Buddy around her neck. I think she was waiting for someone to do an interview with about the EcoQuest business. She had some of Bob Gidden's materials and a Success From Home Magazine with Mike Jackson, the company President, on the cover.
Anyway, enough of my babbling. If you haven't seen the Buddy, it is a neat little personal air purifier that uses 1 Lithium CR123A battery to give you an allergen free exclusion zone around your face. This helps keep out the nasty, skanky air that you might experience on a long flight to where ever you might be jaunting off to.
Of course you might experience skanky air right next to someone in the grocery store, if you know what I mean. So, wear your Fresh Air Buddy everywhere you go, cause you never know when you might catch something and get sick as a rabid dog.
That wouldn't be nice now, would it?
Thursday, March 09, 2006
EcoQuest - Howard Baker And Mike Jackson Discusses Global Expansion
EcoQuest leaders Mike Jackson and Jack Wilder escorted Ambassador Baker to the area for a conference, and enjoyed a unique opportunity to spend time with and gain insight from a man who’s confers with world leaders.
EcoQuest International produces air purifiers such as the Fresh Air by EcoQuest, Living Air Classic, Fresh Air Buddy and other clean air technologies for your home.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
EcoQuest Partners with American Lung Association of New Mexico for Fresh Air
Stay tuned as the details of this exciting relationship unfold.
Tags: air filter, Air Purification, Air Purifier, Air Purifiers, clean air, EcoQuest, purifier, filter, filtration
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
EcoQuest Is Known For Air Purification, But Now For Laundry? Introducing LaundryPure!

The revolutionary new LaundryPure from EcoQuest International, is slated to be introduced sometime in early March. (I thought it was going to be today, March 1st)
LaundryPure will clean your clothes and all your laundry without the need for detergent, hot water, fabric softeners or other harsh chemicals. This will greatly increase the life of your clothes, saving you dollars, unless you are a compulsive shopper.
Recently at home and garden shows the public response to LaundryPure has been incredible. Even though LaundryPure isn't yet available many people wanted it right away and others expected to pay as much as $1,200 for it. In reality they were amazed to find out it was priced at $747.
Ask your EcoQuest dealer for more details on LaundryPure. If you are in need of an air purifier, you can ask them about that too!