Wednesday, May 20, 2009


EcoQuest International Meetings News

Coordinating Manager Bob Colasanti knows that the best way to grow a successful organization is through local meetings. He recently held one in his hometown of Jacksonville, FL where a brand new Dealer and his guest showed their excitement by traveling over 4 hours to attend.

"One new Dealer and his guest, traveled all the way from Tampa, Fl. to come to my meeting in Jacksonville, Fl. That is a 4 and a half hour drive. And they drove back home that night.

"This reminded me of when I was a new Dealer in EcoQuest. I traveled several hours to go to meetings in 6 different states. As a result, I learned how to do good meetings and have had hundreds of them in my 9-year career with the company."

Was it worth traveling hours away to attend Dealer meetings? Bob thinks so. "It was worth it, as EcoQuest bonus checks and sales paid all the bills for my big family of now 8 for the last 8 years!"

Bob's meeting guest must have thought it was worth it too. They signed up as a new Dealer that night.

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