Wednesday, August 06, 2008


EcoQuest Ionization

EcoQuest International produces a line of air purification systems for any application you can think of.

Their most popular unit, the Fresh Air by EcoQuest uses ions to help clean your air as do all of the air purification systems EcoQuest manufactures.

So what are ions and how do they work?

Ions are molecules that carry a specific charge of electricity. There are lots of ions outdoors by very few indoors. By adding negative ions to an indoor environment, airborne particles will take on this negative charge and be attracted to other oppositely charged particles and clump together which will eventually become heavy enough to settle to the ground. The charged particle can also be attracted to grounded particles.

Either way these particles are now out of your breathing space thus making your air much cleaner.

This is one of the benefits that an air purifier like the Fresh Air or Living Air Classic from EcoQuest offers.

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