Thursday, April 03, 2008


EcoQuest Total Protection Package

EcoQuest provides complete protection for families living in a dangerous and unhealthy world. The body needs more than clean air to thrive. People need more than good nutritional supplements or a juice drink each morning for good health. Our bodies are comprehensive beings designed by God and entrusted to each of us to maintain. Scriptures tell us "We are the temple of God."

EcoQuest Total Protection Package

EcoQuest provides a variety of solutions to modern world living. Each of these solutions provides a part of a Total Protection Package. Following common sense laws allows us the best chance of healthy living.

Clean water is vital to human health. Each day our bodies require about 64 ounces of water. Our body is made up of 90% or more water when we are born, and is down to as low as 50% when we die. You can see how an older person's skin becomes very dry and frail looking. Water is important when we are young and old. Our blood is 70% water! Can you imagine the damage to the body when we do not replenish with enough daily water?

Water is aggressive and tends to absorb what it touches. That is one of the reasons we must be so careful what water we consume. Water can leach lead and other dangerous metals from pipes and the environment it touches. Most sewage goes back to our water sources like rivers, lakes, and underground. We are now learning in the news what EcoQuest has been saying for 20 years - our water is going from flush to faucet in a short period of time. We are being told people are drinking prescription drugs right from their taps. Cancer medicines, sex dysfunction drugs, anti-depressants, etc. are now found in much of our drinking water. Don't let them tell you the amounts are too small to hurt you - what do you expect them to say? Here are some excerpts from front page news.

"Officials in Philadelphia said testing there discovered 56 pharmaceuticals or byproducts in treated drinking water, including medicines for pain, infection, high cholesterol, asthma, epilepsy, mental illness and heart problems. Sixty-three pharmaceuticals or byproducts were found in the city's watersheds."

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