Tuesday, February 26, 2008


EcoQuest ecobox On The Montel Williams Show

The ecobox makes its television debut on the Montel Williams show this Thursday, Feb 28. Check your local listings for times and channels.

As part of Montel's Living Well with Montel health series of show topics, the ecobox will be mentioned as "one of the most state of the art purifying systems out there." The show focuses on germs and strategies to control exposure to illness causing germs. 2 studio audience members receive an ecobox. The ecobox will also be featured on the MontelShow.com site. The Montel Williams show is one of television's most watched daytime talk shows.

Effective - ecobox reduces germs on surfaces. It kills MRSA. It kills Avian Flu. It kills Salmonella, E.Coli, Strep, fungus, mold, yeast...

Natural - ecobox is just like bringing a little nature indoors. Harmful germs don't usually run amuck on surfaces outside. That's because nature keeps germs in check.

Prevention - ecobox helps reduce exposure to germs like the flu - Plain and simple.
And now we have a color for every room, every mood, and everybody.

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