Wednesday, January 16, 2008


EcoQuest Dealer Sell Air Purifiers And Have Success

EcoQuest Dealer Jackie Anding throws a party and catches success

When Jackie Anding received her first shipment of EcoQuest air purifier products five years ago, she immediately had a pizza party.

“I asked folks if they would help me try the unit and give me their feedback,” says Jackie. “I moved 40 units in my first six weeks in business.”

"The process is simple," says Jackie, now a Sales Manager. “Tell five to ten of your closest friends that you have bought into a new business and have all this cool product. Make it exciting. Let them help you open up the product and see what you got. People were excited to see all the cool stuff, and synergy in the room was huge. I asked my friends to try the stuff and give me testimonials because I didn’t have any.”

Jackie was introduced to EcoQuest when she was in real estate sales. “A gentleman to whom I sold a home asked me if I wanted to try a ‘box of air,’” she says. “He had just bought into the company. I said yes. Lo and behold, it was great. I joined and then the office manager in my business organization joined.”

It took Jackie nine months to fire her boss and go full time with EcoQuest. She loved her job, but she hated the 55-hour weeks in the real estate office. Plus, she wanted to move her elderly parents closer to her. In that nine months, Jackie put a Fresh Air and Living Water in every home as she sold them.

“I did a lot of real estate presentations,” she says. “Every agent, not just brokers, should have these in their cars. Homes smell, what with cats, dogs, mold, and mildew. These help.”

Before long, Jackie got her bonus car—a Cadillac CTS. She’s getting her second bonus car soon.
Jackie’s advice to others: “Feel the urgency of your why. Write it on a 3x5 card and look at it every day. Be persistent. Have patience and faith.”

"When you hit a valley instead of a peak, call your mentor," she says. “Turn to them for encouragement. They will put the belief back in you. What are you doing this for and why? If you run into a rut, personal development is the number one way out of that rut.

“Personal growth helps me through the valleys,” says Jackie. “It gives me positive focus to know that success doesn’t come overnight. When I plug into personal development, it keeps me focused on the right path. It helps me focus on the positive. If you put garbage into your head and hang around people who are negative, you are not going to get the results out of your personal life or your business. You have to fill yourself with the good. I believe that 95 percent of our success comes from personal development.”

Jackie finds that she always falls back on faith and patience. “Don’t look for instant gratification. Give it time. We’ve got a great system, a great company, and a great company president. We are in good hands.

“Focus on helping other people by offering the opportunity or the product. Focus on their needs and see how you can help change their lives. Take the focus off the money. We all know we need money. Focus on helping others. How many people can we help with our technology and opportunity?”

Jackie might be a Sales Manager, but in her mind she’s already a Master Manager—exactly the kind of personal development and positive thinking that will get her there.

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