Saturday, December 09, 2006


EcoQuest Fresh Air Buddy Now Safe To Use Again

I reported a few posts ago that the Fresh Air Buddy by EcoQuest had in a few instances gone BOOM and exploded!

At the time EcoQuest was warning its loyal customers not to use the Buddy for obvious reasons - They didn't want to get their butts sued off for injuring someone! However, all has been resolved and the personal air purifier from EcoQuest known as the Fresh Air Buddy is now safe to use again.

Actually it has been safe all along. The problem was with the batteries. People were trying to recharge non-rechargeable batteries in the recharger thus causing the explosion hazard.

So, good news for travelers and clean air breathers all over the planet, hook up your Fresh Air Buddy, strap it around your neck, turn it on and stop breathing other people's crud!

BReathe clean air today, get a Fresh Air Buddy!


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