Tuesday, November 14, 2006


EcoQuest VisionQuest Is Disappointing

EcoQuest VisionQuest turns out to be nothing more than a marketing push to get dealers to buy more merchandise.

While all the details aren't out yet, VisionQuest appears to be somewhat of a let down. As is usual with most MLM businesses, the focus usually ends up on the parent company marketing to the dealer instead of to the customer. This appears to be exactly what VisionQuest is. A usual outcome of this kind of marketing ends up in new dealers purchasing more merchandise than they can really sell.

More often than not, a new mlm recruit requires serious development instead of investing in their business up front. As is usual most of the people who join an MLM such as EcoQuest are barley qualified if at all. You must be a sales person and posses quality sales skills to promote any sort of product in an mlm business.

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