Saturday, August 05, 2006


Which EcoQuest Air Purifier Should You Get?

Welcome EcoQuest air purifier fans! Are you looking for an air purifier but are confused as to what's available and what you need. Of course you're confused, there are so many sellers of so-called air purification systems that make so many different claims even a nuclear scientist or a brain surgeon would be confused.

Let's get one thing straight, you need an air purifier for your particular needs, not what some slick salesman what's you to have so he can finance his new Lexus.

If you need a personal air purifier which is good for taking with you on airplanes, busses, trains etc., you should get the Fresh Air Buddy.

If you need air purification in your office or closed room, you should get a Fresh Air Spectrum. This is a pretty cool piece of technology, not like an iPod or anything like that, but none the less cool for air purifiers. The Fresh Air Spectrum is a flat panel air cleaning system that has no moving parts.

Can you say kewl?

Now if you have a house that needs air purification, and who doesn't, then you need the top of the line system from EcoQuest International, the Fresh Air purifier. This puppy cleans the air in your home up to an amazing 3,000 sq ft.

Got all that cleared up now. Don't delay, call your local EcoQuest dealer pronto, they're waiting by the phone.

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